Wednesday 19 December 2012

Complete family


Nothing is better than a complete family. Sorang kat Melbourne, sorang kat Msia, yang lain kat Bahrain....semua berpecah. Now we are gathered together to spend our break with family, Alhamdulillah. I miss my brothers a lot! Gaduh tu is a normal thing la kan hahah baru happening bila gaduh. They are the best brothers. They never failed to make me laugh so much. When they came dekat airport tu OMG I miss them. Salam them and hugged them. I felt so complete at that time. We went to many places, shopped A LOT! Especially along cus ya know he likes to shop. Not in a gay way people, he likes styles and fashions that's all. LOL. Angah pula sometimes je because his alasan is "Kesian duit baba". LOL. Kat sini tak banyak tampat nak pergi okay, tak best ah mcm ni :( Pergi BCC je. I miss Malaysia la hm balik nanti nak round satu Malaysia hehehee. Later we are going to BCC AGAIN. And I cant wait for dessert camping this 28th. They said nanti sejuk sangat like SANGAT SANGAT that u cant take it anymore u just want to go home or terjun dalam kolam air panas. Okay now kena kemas rumah semua tu ish ish ish. 
